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Kendo is a full-contact martial art that does not rely on physical strength but where mental attitude and technique are just as important to the outcome.  The sword, now as historically, is an “equaliser” that enables people of different ages, gender, backgrounds and abilities to train together and to succeed.

At Nenriki, we all practice on the same basis.  Strength of spirit is the core element. We welcome anyone who wishes to start and practise kendo with us. For more information please go to our Contacts page.


Kendo always attracted me because it isn’t a sport, it’s a life style. It’s not about winning or losing but about improving our own physical and mental strength. Kendo is a perfect balance between mind and body…. It does not matter if you are small, tall, big or thin, it’s your technique and mental strength which make the difference, not your muscles.

I also love the atmosphere in Nenriki dojo. Since my first day I’ve felt part of the team and it’s like everyone already became a good friend.

Marion Vagner
UI Designer
Even though I have not trained at many dojos, Nenriki is definitely one of the best. The atmosphere both at and outside the dojo is unmatchable. Every member is focused, helpful and friendly.
Jiaqi Pan
Student at King's
I always had a curious fascination with martial arts and the attitude, values and strength that results from it both in body and mind. The beginner’s course at Nenriki was physically tough but the main drive that kept me going is the persistent challenge of my sensei and seniors to train my ‘spirit’ in practice. Kendo is more than being strong physically. It is important, but you must first have the will and understanding of why you are making a cut in the first place. This is one of the reasons I enjoy learning kendo at Nenriki. Outside the dojo, I have gained some valuable friends who I not only have enjoyed many beers with but also gave me tremendous support and help whenever I had asked for it.
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